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The Facility is OPEN for service, this includes the Landfill, MSW and Recycling Areas. The SwapShop remains CLOSED for the season and is not accepting any items until further notice.

The Community Bottle Return Program is now underway and ScrapDogs has begun composting services.

ON Wednesday, JULY 1, 2020 MCSWC, in addition to #2 Plastic, MCSWC began accepting #1 PET Plastic and #3-7 Plastic (these are separated into the two different bins so please plan ahead with your sorting).

ONLY plastic material with a visible recycling symbol is able to be brought to the facility for recycling (Note: NO STYROFOAM of any kind is permitted in the recycling – even with a number!!) ALL UNMARKED PLASTIC is required to be disposed of in a household /commercial trash bag.

Additionally, the Community Returnable Bottle Program, in conjunction escort izmir with the Camden Lions Club, will begin taking donations on Wednesday, July 1st. NOTE: please be sure all bottles izmir bayan escort are empty before placing in the collection.
